Research team

Stefania Mitola

Former Lab members

Maria Vliora, PhD. Fellow at University of Thessaly (Greece)
Chiara Romani, PhD. Assistant Professor at University of Brescia (Italy)
Margherita Di Somma, PhD. Research Scientist at Evotec (Italy)
Mohammad Azhar Kamal, PhD. Assistant Professor at University of Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)
Giorgia Cremonese, PhD. Laboratory technician at F.P. Srl, Verona (Italy)
Laura Francesca Pisani, PhD. Research Fellow, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy)

Former Student Trainees

  • 2023: Alessandro Cinquantini, Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology. Thesis Title: “Pan-cancer analysis for the identification and biological characterization of oncogenic mutation”
  • 2023: Matteo Manenti, Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology. Thesis Title: “Relation between VEGFR2 and One-Carbon Metabolism in melanoma”
  • 2022: Greta Mutti, Master Degree in Medical Biotechnology. Thesis Title: “Functional significance of VEGFR2 on ovarian cancer cells”. Now Fellow at RetinaLab, University of Brescia (Italy)
  • 2022: Elisa Moreschi, Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology. Thesis Title: “Biochemical characterization of recently identified FGFR1 mutant” Now Trainee at Linkoping University (Sweden)
  • 2021: Maria Scamozzi, Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology. Thesis Title: “The role of adhesive forces in the metastasis process”. Now Master Student at University of Trento (Italy).
  • 2020: Carolina Gaudenzi, Master Degree in Medical Biotechnology. Thesis Title: “Signalling through tyrosine kinase-defective domains: a relevant role in cancer”. Now Post-Doc at University of Brescia (Italy).
  • 2020: Nicole Righetti, Bachelor Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques. Thesis Title: “Evaluation of angiotropism of melanoma cells in the chick embryo chorionallantoic membrane model”
  • 2020: Greta Mutti, Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology. Thesis Title: “Effects of the heterodimerization of growth factors”
  • 2019: Fabiola Pedrini, Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology. Thesis Title: “Effects of low-frequency mutations of VEGFR2 on melanoma biology”. Now PhD Student, Pathology Institute, University Hospital of Heidelberg (Germany)
  • 2019: Sara Femiano, Master Degree in Medical Biotechnology. Thesis Title: “Effect of low-frequency mutations of VEGFR2 on stromal microenvironment in melanoma”. Now Secondary School Teacher, Verona (Italy)
  • 2019: Daniele Zanoni, Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology Thesis Title: “Study of the membrane dynamics of growth factor receptors”
  • 2018: Nicolò Picchioni, Master Degree in Medical Biotechnology. Thesis Title: “Low-frequency mutations modulate the oncogenic potential of VEGFR2 in melanoma”
  • 2018: Carolina Gaudenzi, Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology. Thesis Title: “Effetto degli inibitori tirosino-chinasi sulla risposta biologica di VEGFR2”
  • 2017: Alessandro Mora, Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology. Thesis Title: “Set up of a cellular model to investigate cell membrane dynamics of VEGFR2 through single particle tracking technology”.
  • 2016: Anna Bianchi,  Master Degree in Medical Biotechnology. Thesis Title: “Identification and initial characterization of pro-oncogenic low frequency VEGFR2 mutations”. Now Post-Doc at University of Miami (USA).